Parent Voices | Boarding School Blog | Midland School

Vozes dos Pais

Partnering with Midland to raise thoughtful young adults

When a student chooses to attend Midland, their whole family becomes a beloved part of the Midland community. They join us for Thanksgivings and graduations, celebrate community victories and help us weather challenges and, even after their children graduate, continue to stay in touch.

They also watch their children grow in remarkable ways: developing confidence, practicing new skills, falling in love with new passions, learning more about themselves and so much more. Some of them, having attended Midland themselves, were able to experience the growth for themselves and were elated to pass it on to their children; some were hesitant about even considering boarding schools; but they all agree that Midland was the right choice.

Now, they share those journeys with you.

Historias destacadas

"What has Midland meant to us as parents?"

Parent Speaker Lise Goddard's 2021 Graduation Speech

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Perspectiva dos Pais: Aero Polo

No último ano de seu filho, um pai reflete sobre como seu filho aprendeu e cresceu em Midland

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Hear more from the Midland community

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