Only at Midland: Our Unique Boarding School Experience | Midland School

Só na Midland

Equitação natural, uma fazenda e jardim de 10 acres, liderança ao ar livre e muito mais

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When choosing the best-fit high school, it can be easy to fall down the rabbit hole of academic and extracurricular programs. Here at Midland, we like to keep our offerings simple, straightforward and authentically mission-aligned.

From Natural Horsemanship to a 10-acre certified-organic farm, our Outdoor Leadership Steward program to our many four-legged furry graduates, these are the pieces that make our unique boarding school experience unlike any other.

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Farm and Garden

10-acres of hands-on learning

Students play an integral role in tending our 10-acre organic farm. Through this work, students gain a deeper appreciation of what it takes to get healthy food from “farm to table,” resulting in a sense of fulfillment at this critical time in our students’ lives. Students then enjoy this bounty by sharing meals with faculty five nights a week at sit-down family-style dinner and a bountiful salad bar at lunch.

Nossa parceria de resgate vegetariano

Supporting our community through produce

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Our Favorite Farm-to-table Recipes

By Gloria Murillo, Head Chef

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Ciência no solo

Midland's working academic farm

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Meet the Farmer

Michael Sibalski, Farm Manager and Educator

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Authentic Work

makes for authentic community

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When Work Ethic Stands Out

College Counselor Lynda reflects on admissions season

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From Waiters to Wood-choppers

Students and faculty form the backbone of campus

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Conversa Real: Empregos

Students share their perspective on the Jobs Program

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Meet the Program Director

Andrew Gardiner, Jobs Program Faculty

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Outdoor Leadership

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Hiking. Backpacking. Climbing.

Through our 2,860 acres to the Los Padres and beyond

Students explore the Oak Woodland, Grassland, and Chaparral ecosystems of the Midland property and the surrounding area. Through these trips, students learn, practice and work towards mastery of leadership and communication skills, environmental stewardship, camp craft and basic first aid. Qualified students who participate in a season of Outdoor Leadership are eligible for the Midland Steward program and can lead their own overnight trips on the 2,860-acre Midland property.

Destaque do Programa: Hardlucks

Fora depois do jantar, de volta antes do café da manhã

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Destaque de liderança ao ar livre: viagem de Sisquoc

Ayanna '24 reflete sobre trinta milhas e cinco dias cheios de memórias

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Destaque do Programa: Midland Stewards

Empowering students to become leaders in the outdoors

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Conheça o Reitor

Dan Susman, Dean of Experiential Learning

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Natural Horsemanship

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Destaque do Programa: Estágio em Rancho

Aprendendo os meandros de um rancho em funcionamento (e ganhando crédito acadêmico no processo)

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Acariciando um Mustang Selvagem

Eleanor '19's Horsemanship Journey

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Meet our Herd

25 Horses and counting!

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Conheça o Diretor

Regina Butala, Director of Horse Programs and Director of Rangeland Management

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Other Midland Offerings

Intramural athletics, student pets, a reservoir and more

Bring your dog, swim in the reservoir...

...and enjoy living a high school experience like no other!

From our more traditional extracurricular sports offerings (does soccer, volleyball, basketball or cross country pique your interest?) to invitations to bring your beloved four-legged creature to school with you, Midland offers a unique boarding school experience that blends traditional and totally nontraditional programmatic components that our students love. Our on-campus swimming hole, the reservoir, is the perfect spot to take a dip and do homework on the dock on a hot spring afternoon, and for the more adventurous, our nearby surf spots beckon with beautiful breaks and cool Pacific Ocean breezes. There’s plenty to see, do and explore in a combination that exists only at Midland!

Our Four-legged Campus Guardians

The dogs of Midland

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Conversa Real: Meias Férias

Como nossos alunos passam o tempo livre

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The Power of Team Sports

Playing intramural at Midland

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Thanksgiving at Midland

A favorite Midland tradition

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Nossa Missão e Valores

Paul and Louise Squibb's enduring legacy

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Comunidade Autêntica

Desconectado e conectado

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Educação experiencial e baseada no local

Nosso rigoroso modelo acadêmico preparatório para a faculdade

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