Prestigious Alumni Award for Midland Graduates

John Dreyfuss '52 Distinguished Alumni Award

JDDA Ceremony 2019

JDDA Ceremony 2019 honoring Lorri Hamilton Durbin ’85

The John Dreyfuss Distinguished Alumni Award (JDDA) is awarded annually to a Midland graduate who, through distinguished service to Midland School and their community, has exemplified the ideals of the school.

The JDDA reminds the Midland community of the fundamental life lessons we learned at Midland and that hard work, risk taking, and playing an active role in the community result in positive contributions to ourselves and to the communities in which we live.

Midland Ideals Considered for the Award

  1.     Simplicity: Simple living and learning to live without. 
  2.     Learning: Lifelong learning and teaching, especially exercise of critical thinking skills.
  3.     Citizenship: Taking responsibility for their role  and responsibility to community.
  4.     Leadership: Seeing and bringing out the best in others.  Being a good role model.
  5.     Stewardship: Leaving a place or an organization better than you found it.
  6.     Nature: Appreciation for and connection to nature and the outdoors.
  7.     Needs vs Wants: Distinguishing between the two  
  8.     Initiative:  Being a leader to make sure the job gets done.
  9. Collaboration: Demonstrating an ability to work with others in the service of larger goals; providing clear expectations and generous credit.
  10.   Community: Recognizing that every role is important, needs to be fulfilled, and needs to be done well – no matter how minor.
  11. Equality: Respect for and promotion of equality in all forms, including with respect to gender, race, sexual orientation, religion, wealth, or other affiliation.

JDDA Nomination and Selection Process

The JDDA nominee is selected through a multi-step process that culminates in the announcement of the recipient early in the spring semester and the presentation of the award at a ceremony during Alums, Parents and Friends Weekend (generally in April) of each year.

The Board solicits nominations year-round. If you would like to nominate a Midland alum for this award, you may send the following information to Please include “JDDA Nomination” in your email subject line. 

Nominations are to include: 

  1. The name and phone number of the nominator
  2. The name of the nominee
  3. The nominee’s relationship to the nominator
  4. A one paragraph statement that explains how the nominee fits the criteria for the award, including references to evidence supporting the nomination.

These nominations will be passed on the Board for consideration. Typically, the award recipient is decided in the fall in order to plan for the spring award ceremony. 

Jim Dreyfuss '81 honored in JDDA ceremony in 2023

Jim Dreyfuss ’81 honored in JDDA ceremony in 2023. The extended Dreyfuss family has long been an integral part of the Midland community.

Past Award Recipients

2005 – Eric Swain ‘63
2006 – Barry Schulyer ‘41
2007 – Bob Gillespie ‘57
2008 – Mason Willrich ‘50
2009 – Tom Mone ‘72
2010 – Kathy Munger Memorial
2011 – Warner Henry ‘55
2012 – Jim Quick ‘68
2013 – Gary Lewis ‘45 Memorial
2014 – Peter Coonradt ‘64
2015 – Ben Munger ‘79
2016 – Jenny Stein ‘82
2017 – Jonathan Andrews ‘64
2018 – Mathias Craig ‘96
2019 – Lorri Hamilton Durbin ‘85
2020/2021 – Jon Cosby ‘63
2022/2023 – Jim Dreyfuss ‘81 Memorial
2024 – Ed Carpenter ’64
2025 – Dee Hodge III, M.D., ’70

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