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The Cosby Award supports Grade 11 students to pursue their career interests in the summer before their graduating year.
The Cosby Award is a summer program award for Midland juniors to encourage active experiential learning in the field of one’s interest. Tess, Class of 2025, spent two weeks during the summer between her junior and senior year pursuing field studies.
We sat down with Tess to ask her about studying ecology in Tennessee at Sewanee: University of the South.
What inspired you to sign up for this program?
It’s a field studies program, and I was looking for something in ecology and environmental science, which is what I want to pursue. It also offered a chance to experience new places and ecosystems. There aren’t many options specifically for ecology, and I had never been to Tennessee or the South.
What did your daily life look like?
We biked everywhere. They had a sustainability initiative. Our day was set up so we would have a morning class, then go outdoors to observe something in the field. They would teach us a little crash course. The focus varied, ranging from Midland101-type stuff to a lot of geology, especially because it’s located on the Cumberland Plateau. We explored old mines, studied hydrology, and looked at how they manage their water and sewage. We also saw a lot of amphibians, especially salamanders, and learned about the diversity in that species. There was a big emphasis on forestry and disturbance ecology in deciduous forests. We went to a year-old mudslide, and observed how the entire ecosystem changes with the movement of the trees.
What was it like spending time in Tennessee?
It’s a very rural part of southern Tennessee. It’s about five times the size of Midland. There are some abandoned coal towns, and we did a lot of hiking around the area.
Tell us about the other people who were in the program with you.
Most of the students were from the Southeast, with a few from California, Ohio, and the Midwest. There were about 20 students in total. Some were interested in the college, while others were more focused on the program itself. It was all high school students, though they also had other programs for summer students.
What do you feel were your main takeaways from the experience?
It broadened my interest in other areas of environmental science, like cave ecology and salamanders, which are unique to southern forests. We sampled fish in a stream using a seine, a really big net. You get chest-deep in the water and run with the net to collect the fish. We also cored trees, taking a pencil-sized sliver to determine which part of the tree is actively pushing water.
How did this program inform your career path?
It definitely confirmed that I want to go into ecology, and I want to study different ecosystems. I also want to explore a variety of areas.
Some of our classes were in a college lecture hall, taught by a professor. It was great to learn about ecology in a college setting and get a glimpse into what the college experience would be like if I pursued that major.
What might you want to try with your newfound knowledge and skills?
For my senior project, I’m working on a dichotomous key, a specialized tree identification guide. I’m making one for all the trees and shrubs in Midland. Eventually, I want to get it printed and have it available for the Midland101 class, so others can learn from it. During the summer, I saw a lot of trees I had never seen before, and I learned to identify them. I can empathize with people who don’t yet know the local ecology, and I’m thinking about how to teach it to others.
Do you have any advice for others interested in attending a similar program?
It took me a while to find this program because I specifically wanted to focus on ecology. You might have a clear idea of what you want to do, but sometimes a broader program can give you exposure to more areas and help you refine your interests.
Thank you so much, Tess, for taking the time to share with us about this amazing experiential learning program! If you are a Midland junior and want to apply for the Cosby Award, check out more information here.
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